Friday, November 4, 2022

Psyche Mission -- Back ON, For Later In 2023

The team will get a 2023 launch window, likely in the October / Novermber timeframe.

In June, we had mentioned that software didn't arrive in time, to allow for adequate pressure testing at NASA, and it missed its October 2022 launch window. But now. . . .

. . .In a dramatic turn of events, NASA has finally given the go ahead for the launch of the Psyche Mission to the metal-rich asteroid. Earlier this year, the space agency missed the 2022 launch window for the mission, citing late delivery of the spacecraft’s software and testing equipment. . . .

According to NASA, the agency did not get sufficient time to carry out the testing of the equipment which led to NASA missing the launch window for the mission, which ended on October 11. Now, NASA has resurrected the mission with a launch window slated for next year. . . .

NASA’s Psyche MissionOne of the biggest asteroids in our Solar System, the 16 Psyche asteroid is made up of gold, nickel and iron deposits and is supposedly worth more than the Earth's economy. The asteroid is worth nearly $10,000 Quadrillion. . . .

[T]he spacecraft will orbit the asteroid for 21 months to map the asteroid and gain information about the makeup of the asteroid as well as learn how metal core asteroids and planets are formed. This will be an important step to study the formation of Earth itself as well.The objectives of the mission include determining the age of regions on the asteroid, study its formation, characterize its topography and study dips in the asteroid's gravity using multiple scientific instruments such as multispectral imager, magnetometer, gamma ray and neutron meter and more. . . .

Now you well. . . fly free. . . smiling, on another lap around the Sol. . . .



Anonymous said...

I didn't expect this:

condor said...

Feels like… jury nullification.

But can’t access the docket until Monday here… dicey mountain cell coverage… hmmm.
