Monday, November 21, 2022

Merck To Pay ~$1.35 Billion For All Of Imago Biosciences -- Getting A Bone Marrow Cancer Candidate, And A Pipeline...

Just to keep the old narrative arc / thread fresh -- from the power-alley: this builds out more of a "future" oncology pipeline, in the main.

Of course, pembrolizumab is chugging along, mightily. But at some point near 2030. . . it may see a form of patent cliff in the US, so these add-on / add-in therapies for oncology / R&D candidates portfolios (like Acceleron's and Imago's) make sense -- to hedge the bets. Here's the latest:

. . .[Merck on] Monday [said] it will acquire cancer drug developer Imago BioSciences Inc. . . for a total equity value of $1.35 billion to expand its portfolio of blood disorder treatments.

The drugmaker's offer of $36 per share in cash for Imago represents a nearly 107% premium to the company's last close. Imago's shares more than doubled in premarket trading to $35.65. . . .

Now you know. . . still completely numb about Colorado Springs. . . these gun merchants. . . how do they live with themselves, as purely merchants of death -- for both the evil, and mentally-ill people they more than occasionally. . . cater to? Good lord.


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