Friday, November 18, 2022

Friday Housekeeping: As Fewer And Fewer People Disclose Their Locations, Our Traffic Data Skews / Shows... Some Improbable Results (2021-22).

I think it self-evident that the "Other" category, at bottom left. . . is simply mostly people who've toggled on the "don't track my location" (even by country) buttons, in their local browsers / phones. [And I supsect most of those 'anons.' are actually. . . US / EU visitors.]

Even so -- it is gratifying to me that we see such a strong showing outside the US.

We do still see multiple higher-single-digit thousands each year from about 65 non "Top Ten" geographies, as well -- from Sri Lanka to Moldova, and Thailand to. . . Kazakhstan. And many ports in between.

So, since it has been about seven years since I posted such a breakdown, and I do not make my stats "real time" public. . . I decided this "top level data" might be at least entertaining, to our regular readers.

I am beginning to wonder whether (shudder!) some substantial numbers of people in Europe, Russia, Turkey and China are getting their sense of US politics from this site. I tend to think of that as not very interesting to the broader world -- but it seems. . . perhaps it is. Heh.

[Maybe it is the posts on space science stuff, too though -- to be fair.]

Onward. . . Elizabeth Holmes will learn how long she will be put away, in the can today, around 4 PM EST.


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