Sunday, November 13, 2022

[U] A New Eastern Ugandan District Records An Ebola Death Overnight... Widening Threat?

This is not a death attributed to any known contact tracing chain. And ominously, it falls on the shores of a well-traveled waterway (Lake Victoria), at the source of the so-called White Nile. A water transport concourse, and fishing industry hub.

So, we ought to expect there have been, or will be, more cases inside Jinja District, absent a near-miracle. There is essentially no chance of declaring this outbreak over, before February 2023.

Tough news, there on the ground from Reuters reporting, this morning:

. . .An Ebola case has been confirmed in Jinja in eastern Uganda, the country's health minister said on Sunday, the first time the outbreak has spread to a new region of the country from central Uganda where cases have been confined so far. . . .

Uganda has so far recorded a total of 136 confirmed cases and 54 deaths, according to the health ministry. . . .

Update -- late on Sunday, the Jeruselem Post reports that all the Israelis suspected of having brought ebola home have been cleared -- 21 days with negative tests, always. That's very good news.

Meanwhile, in other good news -- it is now certain. . . we will keep control of the Senate.

That's welcome overnight news, to be sure. Separately, though this outcome is highly unlikely, I'd like to see the Broncos steal one down in Music City today, since my brother in law is down there. . . pullin' for them in a bar called. . . Luke's -- at the moment. Headed into the stadium in an hour or so. Heh.


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