Saturday, October 29, 2022

Updating -- The Issues And Legislation Upon Which Pfizer Lobbied, In Q3 2022 -- Spending Over $3.25 Million.

With the month almost gone, we will take a quiet Saturday night (before a fun-filled Monday night!), to set out what all Pfizer spent its lobby budget on this past quarter.

It did (as it almost always does) outspend Merck but was dwarfed by Amazon. . . and ran neck in neck with Amgen this quarter. Again, odd that more than $3.25 million was spent, right into the teeth of the mid-terms -- when Congress-critters won't really do much of anything remotely risky . . . except campaign. The voters generally don't love PhRMA's "price protection" efforts, so House members of both parties tend to go into hiding on legislative jaw-boning -- at least in public -- until the November election results are in. Here's the run down, in any event:

. . .Drug Pricing [Generally]; Support of Biosimilars; Out-of-Pocket Costs; Rebate Reform; Vaccine Infrastructure/HR 3656 Excise Tax- S.3087; Antimicrobial Resistance/HR 3932/PASTEUR Act; COVID Relief Package/Appropriations; PDUFA. . . .

Medicare Part D support for access to treatments for obesity; Coverage Gap; Rebate Reform; Out-of-Pocket Costs; Government Negotiation in Medicare. . . .

Comprehensive Corporate Tax Reform; International Tax Reform; OECD Profit Allocation; U.S. Manufacturing Credits; Build Back Better Act; Minimum Tax. . . .

NAFTA/USMCA; Foreign Market Access issues (including IPR); International Supply Chain/Buy America -- harmonize international drug manufacturing standards; Global Access to Medicines. . . .

TRIPS Waiver; General IP Issues; Bayh-Dole March-In Rights. . . .

Now you know -- onward, to goblins and ghosties, Monday night!


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