Wednesday, October 5, 2022

The Current Sudan Variant Ebola Outbreak Has Apparently Crossed Into South Sudan: Five Cases, At Least...

This is quite. . . unfortunate (but not unexpected) news. Without a vaccine, and the travel habits of workers, especially migrant miners, the 2022 Ebola outbreak could become a regional, as opposed to "in Uganda only". . . problem.

The Sabine Institute needs a green light to get underway with trial ring vaccines as soon as humanly possible. Which means the Ugandan authorities need to clear the study design, and let the workers start vaccinating contacts, and contacts of contacts -- now over 400 of them. Here's the latest, from South Sudan papers:

. . .The Ebola virus outbreak in Uganda may have spread into neighboring South Sudan, although authorities there are still working to confirm active cases.

Health Minister Yolanda Awel, meeting with President Salva Kiir on Monday, confirmed that suspected cases have been identified and isolated near the country’s border with Uganda, according to a government statement. Some media reports say one of the unconfirmed cases, that of a man in Kajokeji County, has already died.

Lab samples from five cases, all arising from the three Equatoria provinces, have been sent to South Africa for testing. “The health minister revealed that her ministry is well prepared and working hard to prevent the Ebola outbreak in South Sudan,” the statement said. . . .

Now you know -- a dangerous moment, indeed on that continent. Next up? Musk -- from another property, of yesterday. Grin.


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