Saturday, October 8, 2022

Newly-Approved Whooping Cough Vaccine Effective For Babies, By Giving GSK's Boostrix® To Moms In Third Trimester...

I am all for any reasonable measure that increases vaccination-levels, against dangerous and preventable viruses. Let that be said at the top.

But I will admit to just a twinge of not being sure about this. Of course it will increase the chances that babies are immunized, but I do wonder if it will be more or less forced on the public aid patients, as part of what is required (as we've discussed in Tennessee and Mississippi, on implied threats of jailings -- states that use the local laws, to force moms into certain "pro-life" care regimes).

[That is, while I admit it is a close call, for me personally, I still do not think any vaccine should be required by law, even at this point, as we struggle into a third year of a waning global pandemic.]

In any event, here's that news, from MedScape reporting:

. . .The federal agency on Friday approved Boostrix for use during the last three months of pregnancy to prevent pertussis in infants under two months old. The vaccine, manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline, was previously approved among pregnant people for their own protection. . . .

And I am also clear-eyed, that this will not increase GSK vaccine sales in any meaningful way, as moms were getting it themselves prior to this expanded approval.

That said, I do like the idea that moms and their babies, by the third trimester. . . are so closely bonded, and developed, that helping the mom. . . helps baby. Smile. . . onward to a glorious cool fall Saturday, raking leaves with the baby-girls.


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