Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Merck's Intelligent Cattle Tagging Biz [Animal Health Ops], Opened A NEW Manufacturing Facility In Baton Rouge This Week: Drovers' Magazine

While 33 jobs may not be a vast improvement (on the raw numbers), these are in the main, high paying, steady and safe jobs -- which may well not all require an undergraduate degree. . . just some savvy around manufacturing presses, and general "tool-know how". So, this is quite good news for the people of this oft flooded community. And it keeps the former Merck vet medicines / vaccines facility open -- and on the local tax rolls.

This is a dove-tail of sorts, on my LeeO licensing blurb of last week, also in Merck's Animal Health portfolio. In any event, here is the full story, and a bit from the cattle trade magazine, called Drovers:

. . .Merck Animal Health announced the opening of a manufacturing facility for its animal intelligence products in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The facility will broaden the company’s manufacturing capacity and capabilities by establishing a printing, production and distribution facility of Allflex Livestock Intelligence identification ear tags in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

This site, which formerly was an animal health manufacturing site for the production of veterinary medicines, will become another supply site for ear-tag production, along with the current site in Dallas, Texas, to support increased product demand. The Baton Rouge site is now operational for ear-tag production as of September 2022. At full capacity, the facility will employ 33 employees. . . .

Now you know. . . smiling but still checkin' in on my boys. . . all on the mends. Thank goodness. . . . out.


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