Wednesday, September 21, 2022

[U] While We Await Rulings, On Tangerine's Search Warrants -- Let's Recap The My Pillow Guy's Felony Search Warrant...

Our fine commenters put me in mind this morning of just how nutty these acolytes are: Lindell seems to think that when a USDC Judge sees evidence, and finds full-on probable cause to search and seize Lindell's phone, for felony election frauds. . . he will win, by following Tangerine's nonsense legal "playbook". [And, small update, at lunch: Leticia James, the NY Attorney General, has just filed a wide-ranging civil $250 million fraud lawsuit against Trump himself, and many of his properties and family members -- and associates -- on behalf of all the hard-working, honest NY taxpayers. Here is the 222 page formal NY complaint at law -- but be warned: it is the size of a small movie; download only over wi-fi (35 MB).]

As to Lindell's chances? In a word. . .Nope. He ne'er will; start with the fact that Baby T's lawyers are incompetent. . . and conclude with the fact that only about one in a thousand federal search warrants are ever invalidated, in any later proceeding. To further elaborate, this is something I wrote last week -- at another property, in response to a hard-right racist, and his blog:

Mike Lindell is an addled lil' twit. Let's get that out at the head. He just. . . is.

He's a. . . putz.

But despite his odious (and obvious) character flaws, he is... entitled to full probable cause, before any search and seizure of his cell phone may occur. He is a citizen, after all -- under our shared Fourth Amendment. We all know that; John knows that.

And so, tonight, Hinderaker writes what he ABSOLUTELY knows are lies, about the encounter with the FBI. And John's lies may well put FBI agents in danger. He may even get one or more of them killed, here.

Hinderaker pretends that questioning, in a completely separate event, based on an anonymous tip (of a woman where nothing was searched or seized). . . is directly connected to Lindell's case.

John was (once) a courtroom lawyer, in Minnesota. He well-knows that the papers Lindell waived around on his video last night, are the cover letters that come with a search warrant, issued by a federal judge on full probable cause. The FBI has confirmed (in that link) that its agents served Lindell with a search warrant, on probable cause related to 2020 Colorado (GOP) vote stealing / result denying efforts.

Hinderaker knows Lindell is lying -- to the extent he says his only transgression is "being friends" with Tangerine.

Hinderaker well-knows. . . that a warrant is what was served, once Lindell declined a voluntary interview. He knows they took Lindell's cell phone under that search warrant. [Just standard law enforcement.]

But John (dangerously) labels this as "Gestapo" tactics. No, this is by the book law enforcement, Johnnie.

And making it out to be some sort of a vendetta, is going to get honest federal agents fired upon, or worse -- as occurred in Ohio, just a few weeks back. Thus the search warrant reads:

. . .ATTACHMENT B Items to be Seized... The physical cellular telephone assigned call number [Redacted] "LINDELL CELLPHONE"; and

All records and information on the LINDELL CELLPHONE that constitute fruits, evidence, or instrumentalities of violations of 18 U.S.C. §§ 1028 (identity theft), 1030 (intentional damage to a protected computer), and/or 311 (conspiracy to cufflink identity theft and/or to cause intentional damage to a protected computer)... (the "SUBJECT OFFENSES")... those violations involving Tina Peters, Conan James Hayes, Belinda Knisley, Sandra Brown, Sherronna Bishop, Michael Lindell, and/or Douglas Frank, among other co-conspirators known and unknown to the government (the "SUBJECTS"), since November 1, 2020. . . .

So. . . any federal agents' blood spilled, from here, John -- is on your head. And hands.

What a miscreant loser -- John knows his GOP is going to get obliterated in November at the polling places, so he, and they now plan to launch Civil War Incitements 2.0.

D A M N A T I O N.



Anonymous said...

Just trying to keep you busy:

condor said...


Whole new post in a minute -- but this chart... is jaw-slacking:

The guy was a one man felony frauds crime spree for decades, in NY.

Look above, in a few making that one a graphic image now. . . .