Saturday, September 17, 2022

Tardy With This -- But Here Is Where Pfizer Spent Its Q2 2022 ~$3.48 Million, In DC.

We didn't mean for it to work out this way. We just got distracted. And then, frankly. . . we plain old. . . forgot.

But we noticed that on September 9, 2022, Pfizer had amended its disclosures. So being late. . . let us be. . . accurate. Grin.

Here it is, among other matters:

. . .Drug Pricing, Support of Biosimilars, Out-of-Pocket Costs, Rebate Reform, Vaccine Infrastructure/HR 3656 Excise Tax- S.3087, Antimicrobial Resistance/HR 3932/PASTEUR Act, COVID Relief Package/Appropriations, PDUFA. . . .

Medicare Part D support for access to treatments for obesity, Coverage Gap, Rebate Reform, Out-of-Pocket Costs, Government Negotiation in Medicare. . . .

Comprehensive Corporate Tax Reform, International Tax Reform, OECD Profit Allocation, U.S. Manufacturing Credits, Build Back Better Act, Minimum Tax. . . .

NAFTA/USMCA, Foreign Market Access issues (including IPR), International Supply Chain/Buy America - harmonize international drug manufacturing standards, Global Access to Medicines. . . .

TRIPS Waiver, General IP Issues, Bayh-Dole March-In Rights. . . .

Now you know. Sorry about the delay. . . smile.


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