Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Merck Upgraded To "Buy" -- At The World's Oldest Merchant Banking Concern...

Well, its not every day that you see a capital market participant that has been in business. . . without interruption since the late 1500s.

Berenberg's trading company predates even the East India Trading Company, by over a decade (and that concern has been defunct since 1874). How's that for old line chops?

Yes -- this decidedly stodgy, "old-world monied" partnership (logo at right) has declared Merck a low risk bet, and upgraded the name to a "Buy".

. . .Merck is a solid "low-risk option" in pharmaceuticals. . . .

Indeed, it is. Onward. . . grinning -- that is how you last nearly six centuries: you don't overstate anything; and you don't get out over your skis. Charles the Third should take note -- his mother well knew the wisdom of that notion. Cool, cool. . . .


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