Tuesday, September 20, 2022

How Utterly Precious! The GOP Governors File A Brief -- In Stolen Top Secret Docs Case...

The only point these goofy MAGA governors attempt to make, in an amicus filing (past the deadline time, for a ruling on a stay) in the Eleventh Circuit, is that they (the oligarchs, of MAGA states) cannot trust(!). . . the federal government. [I link it only to preserve a record -- and to invite biting ridicule -- of these lunatics.]

Not any law -- not even an argument to ignore what all agree is controlling federal law. [These are the same guys using law enforcement to lie to detainees awaiting hearings, to make them miss their hearings, so the same law enforcement officers may more easily deport them. Charming.]

No. . . they just say, in effect -- "Hey, as in the 2020 election, as in Texas v. US and as in a dozen other cases Tangerine has LOST. . . we need a "Mulligan". . . ."

A do over, if you will. Cuz' we think -- but cannot prove -- that some "swamp" creature is conspiring to get us. . . .


P R E C I O U S.

Out. [It is was exactly a decade ago, this noon-time -- for a first lunch and then into the above park, but we did not see any turkeys that day.... smile. Still have the purples, from that day.]



Anonymous said...

Meanwhile: https://www.yahoo.com/news/special-master-simple-test-may-184449320.html

condor said...

And. . . Tangerine knows that even if he swears he "declassified" them all, but did not remove the classification markings, as federal law requires. . . it won't save him from the 20 year felony under 18 USC § 793(e) -- the Espionage Act, if the documents contained even de-classified national defense secrets.

Yep. Stick a fork in him.

But in truth, I worry a bit, because Cannon reserved to herself the right to fire Dearie for any or no cause.

He better rule quickly, before she is pressured to fire him.

Still expecting a stay from the Eleventh Circuit -- tonight or tomorrow.

Great find!

Namaste. . . .