Saturday, September 3, 2022

[U: Scrubbed] Highly Likely Artemis Is A Wash-Out, Again This Morning... Ugh.

Just about five minutes ago, the NASA blog on Artemis posted a very short confirmation -- that once AGAIN, the tanking operation has hit a snag.

Another hydrogen leak has been detected. This is a "no-go, for launch" condition, due to the obvious risk of explosions. I now think it likely that Monday's potential for a launch window is scrubbed as well:

. . .After the third troubleshooting attempt, the liquid hydrogen leak has occurred again. Teams are discussing next steps. . . .

Well. . . I am on record about this whole line of endeavor, but I never want to see. . . repeated failures in pre-launch rocket sequences. [I do wonder whether the private contractor has delivered a. . . busted rocket, though.]

Though to be certain, that is better than a post launch failure. By far.


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