Thursday, September 1, 2022

Government's Expert (Opinion) Witnesses... Will Bury Thomas Barrack, Coming 7-Count Felony Trial: September 19, 2022.

Overnight, the government filed a powerfully-argued memo of law / brief (30 pages), to make sure that the able USDC Judge allows its expert witnesses to opine on various matters related to Mr. Barrack's crime spree, at the considerable cost (~$275 million), to us US taxpayers.

I offer it mostly as continuing legal education, and a primer -- for the applicable federal law, when (not if) Donald Trump goes on trial for multiple felonies, and the government offers its experts on the notions of no "pixie dust" de-classifications -- and what a national defense document is -- and why even a former president may not possess one outside a secure facility:

. . .Specifically, the government expects to introduce evidence at trial that one of the actions that Barrack undertook as an agent of the UAE was to disclose non-public information to Al Malik and other UAE government officials indicating that language had been removed from the Republican National Convention party platform that had called for the declassification of the Declassified Pages. In disclosing this information to Al Malik and other UAE government officials, Barrack advised them that this undisclosed information about the foreign policy positions of the Republican Party was “[v]ery confidential” and “very sensitive,” but invited them to nonetheless share it with a senior UAE national security official. . . .

Dr. Davidson’s testimony will contextualize this charged conduct by Barrack by informing the jury about the basic nature of the Declassified Pages as a high priority foreign policy issue at the time for both the UAE, as a close ally of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia itself. See Fed. R. Evid. 702(a). Without this context, the jury may not understand the nature of the Declassified Pages as they are referenced in the evidence produced by the government or their relevance to the UAE government officials to whom Barrack disclosed this sensitive, non-public information. Dr. Davidson can provide limited testimony on this subject that will sufficiently educate the jury while not unfairly prejudicing the Defendants
. . . .

Enjoy -- and buckle up, butter-cup.

Tangerine's time in the barrel is coming. . . smile.


1 comment:

condor said...

And, down in Miami, just now in 22-cv-81294. . . USDC Judge Aileen Cannon keeps the inventory of items taken from Mar-A-Lago. . . sealed.

No peeky.

That actually marginally protects Tangerine (for a few more weeks), since it is almost absolutely damning, as to his felonies.

[But most of it will out when the government's speaking indictment is unsealed.]

She also said she'll issue a WRITTEN ruling (i.e., not from the bench), likely into the news hole of a Friday night -- going into Labor Day weekend. . . as to whether there will be a special master appointed.

As I've said, either way, it won't matter much.

Out, grinning. . . .