Saturday, September 10, 2022

EmptyWheel Gets It All -- ALL Of It... Exactly Right...

As to the politics / optics of all this. . . EmptyWheel is ever spot on. Go read it all.

And here on a quiet Saturday morning, we want to point out how little Tangerine actually. . . cares. This is always and forever. . . only about him. There is no other star in the sky.

That his continuously-ridiculous demands on the proposed special master process certainly guarantee that all the oxygen in all mid-term races will go toward defending or villifying Trumpism. . . and Trump. . . is all he wants.

It doesn't matter to him at all that he (and his acolytes) will lose, and lose bigly -- on all fronts, thus:

. . .[I]f new specifics about Trump’s negligence and efforts to obstruct the investigation are made public, then November’s election will be precisely what Republicans are trying to avoid it being: not just a response to the Dobbs ruling overturning protection for abortion access, but a referendum on the way Republicans have sacrificed American security in their fealty to Donald Trump. . . .

That from Dr. Wheeler. . . is absolutely. . . dead bang perfect. Take it to the bank. Smiling -- off, to a warm bike-ride by the clear blue-green lake waters now. . . .


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