Monday, September 19, 2022

Another Way To View... What We Might More Appropriately Honor, From The Passings -- Of Forgotten Humans.

Many know I feel an abiding connection to these places, and these. . . long dead but forgotten to time / nameless. . . Irish child-miners.

And so, while not to wax unduly political / anti-monarchy. . . as we watch the pomp and circumstance of a funeral for a departed queen here, an ocean away from Counties Mayo and Cork, and the birthplaces of these long forgotten miners, as the advocate below reminds. . . perhaps we ought to be more interested in honoring today's hard working, often ignored. . . asylum-seeking immigrants. They are literally building the America we enjoy. And perhaps be a little less interested in funerals of (disappearing) state crowns.

Do go out -- and be mindful -- and appreciative, of the contributions so many of us never notice. . . from anonymous, hard-working people (often recent arrivals) who make vast contributions to the comfort of your lives.


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