Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Tangerine ALREADY Has His Passports... Back. This Is... Just... Stupid... Yammering.

When someone is the target of a felony Espionage Act probe. . . and a full 18 USC § 793 probable cause judge-issued warrant is executed by the FBI, one with authority to search and seize in every room of the TARGET's residence. . . occasionally (perhaps even. . . often) additional, non-relevant documents may be swept up.

They are almost always returned -- within days.

And that (the usual course of events) is precisely what happened to this espionage / felony indictment "target". His passports are not proof of any "vendetta". Damn, son. . . Damnation.

He's physically received the passports back, already. Just. . . sit down.

Being a target of the FBI is no fun. But the presumption of innocence is for the courtrooms only.

Nah, out here, on the streets -- "the b!tch got eyes. . ." as Denzel reminds us, in "Philadelphia".

In time, a filter team at DoJ will begin sorting through attorney-client materials -- in the segregated boxes. And it is possible that in the non-privileged boxes -- federal AUSAs will find enough evidence to convict him, without the need to even look into the privilege boxes -- and so, will decide to return them, sealed and unopened -- just to save the taxpayers' time and expense.

In fact, that may be. . . likely, here (as several non-privileged boxes were clearly marked "Top Secret"). And that's exactly why the FBI segregated the atty-client junk, onto its own pallet of boxes.

But good law enforcement practice it to. . . take it all, and seal it up. Then. . . decide what to give back.

Cheers, chuckleheads! [Late tonight, the frothy right openly admits. . . Tangerine is going to be indicted.] And that. . . is what happens to repeat pattern felony law breakers. Out.



Anonymous said...

"that. . . is what happens to repeat pattern felony law breakers."

Oh to see it with others.

Perhaps this year.

condor said...

Indeed, Anon.

The criminal law ought to be “applied, without fear or favor…” based on actual (as opposed to imagined) evidence.

The former Mayor of the Big Apple will soon be indicted in his election fraud attempts.

Who else?

Namaste. . . .