Thursday, August 4, 2022

Nine Years? In A Russian Penal Colony?! For A Few THC Vape Cartridges? We Need To Get Brittney Griner... Home

I trust that the Administration will be able to get her home. This is an update -- and the only news is that her [completely UNJUST] sentence has been handed down; and. . . we, collectively, need to get her home. ASAP. She is a POW now.

So I'll rerun the rest of my earlier item here.

She only had a few THC vape cartridges in her luggage, at the Moscow airport.

But Putin had invaded Ukraine and wanted some high-profile leverage, if one of his generals was captured. That's about the sum and substance of it. She's entered a guilty plea, to get to a verdict. . . and be eligible for a diplomatic swap.

The news is that Mr. Biden has proposed giving Putin the most notorious Russian we hold, an arms-dealer, in return for Ms. Griner's freedom. This is clearly a deal Putin should take. In any event, here's NPR on the latest:

. . .Washington would like a response from Moscow. Russia has for years expressed interest in the release of Viktor Bout, a Russian arms dealer once labeled the "Merchant of Death," who was sentenced to 25 years in prison in 2012 on charges that he schemed to illegally sell millions of dollars in weapons. . . .

[The two diplomats working on a deal] will next be in the same city at the same time next week in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, where they will both be attending the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Regional Forum. It was not immediately clear if the phone call ahead of that meeting, set for Aug. 4-5, would presage an in-person discussion. . . .

I agree with Joe -- and Kamala -- let's get our girl. . . home, already.

I hate that we need to give up a clear murderer, serving a long and just sentence here, to do so -- but she and Paul Whelan deserve to be home. Out.


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