Monday, August 29, 2022

Launch: Scrubbed -- Engine Flange Leak Issue Re-Appears...

So. . . this is unfortunate news, for everyone. Apparently, in an echo of the late 2020 original leaking problems seen in test firing these engines, this morning NASA had to scrub the launch, due to leaking in a flange, on fuel-up, with hundreds of tons of liquid oxygen.

Again, I want only the best here -- but perhaps it is time to rethink this budget, and mission sequence.

. . .The launch director halted today’s Artemis I launch attempt at approximately 8:34 a.m. EDT. The Space Launch System rocket and Orion spacecraft remain in a safe and stable configuration. Launch controllers were continuing to evaluate why a bleed test to get the RS-25 engines on the bottom of the core stage to the proper temperature range for liftoff was not successful, and ran out of time in the two-hour launch window. Engineers are continuing to gather additional data. . . .

In any event, onward -- grinning into a sunny but later likely stormy end of August Monday. Be excellent to one another.


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