Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Just How Dangerous Tangerine's Ongoing Lies Are: Thousands Of His Acolytes Are Itching For Civil War 2.0.

I will contrast the deadly, lethal and truly sociopathic malevolence with the fairly light-hearted ditty at right.

But make no mistake Shiffer's blood (and Kyle Fitzsimons' coming 20 years in prison) are all directly the result of his lies, and are thus. . . on Kumquat Pol-Pot's karmic tab.

This, according to multiple MSM outlets, a day after Trump lied about the warrant execution at his compound:

. . .On Truth Social, a social media platform founded by Trump’s media company, Trump Media & Technology Group, Shiffer appeared to have posted a message detailing his failed attempt to gain entry to the FBI building.

“Well, I thought I had a way through bullet proof glass, and I didn’t. If you don’t hear from me, it is true I tried attacking the F.B.I., and it’ll mean either I was taken off the internet, the F.B.I. got me, or they sent the regular cops while,” the account @RickyWShifferJr wrote at 9:29 a.m. ET, shortly after police allege the shooting occurred
. . . .

And to anyone repeating Trumpian lies: this is on your head, as well. Out.



Anonymous said...

in further news: another shoe falls~~~

condor said...


You love to see it — but he (at least “says”) he won’t cooperate to testify against Tangerine.

His tune may change, if the non-cooperation yielded. . . a decade in custody. That would be a life sentence, effectively.

Great stuff — namaste, Anon.

condor said...

Later reporting now says his deal is conditional, on his testifying against Tangerine; otherwise — no deal:


Anonymous said...

thanks for the update. Though, my reading of it is; that he will testify against the company and 'not' Tangerine. While I know they are 'deeply woven' together; I think it leaves the orange one still protected. Am I missing something?

condor said...

Great observations, Anon.

The plea agreement will require his cooperation and truthful sworn testimony.

Companies can only act through human beings. He was CFO. In matters of tax decisions, or financing / loan applications, he would be the final decision maker. . . Subject to only one higher decision maker:

Tangerine himself.

Preposterously, IF he’s willing to say that all the tax fraud and bank fraud was his idea alone, and he kept it so cleverly hidden from Tangerine, and that Trump was conducting very diligent regular reviews of his work, but because Weisselberg is such a stealthy fraudster, Trump never found out. . . then Trump might skate.

But the problem there, is that we know the loan apps and tax forms were wildly at odds, often on the front page: the building would be listed as worth $3 million for tax reporting, but worth $75 million as collateral for a bank loan.

Any duly diligent Chairman/CEO (Tangerine)… would have at least seen page one of each, and read the fraudulent discrepancies.

So testimony about “the company” authorizing or directing the filings… will only be from one seat: DJT’s.

That’s my take on it.

No plea deal will ever say he need not give complete and truthful testimony.

Great stuff!