Monday, August 1, 2022

In Huntersville, NC: Amazon Hit With A "Refusal To Recognize" Charge -- Union Woes, Unabated.

I think we may do just one post per month, on Amazon -- just to stay at least a lil' close to that narrative arc. So here is the August post. Grin.

This time, it is a new charge, to the overall landscape against Amazon: that the workers have under NLRA § 8(a)(5), the right to be represented by a union NOW (since a vote was won on Staten Island), but the management in the Huntersville, NC Amazon facilities will not recognize the associated right to bargain, on behalf of the union. Won't even allow an election there.

This drumbeat will thunder on, for years now. And a Vox exposé of three days ago suggests that in Inland City, CA, Amazon explicitly targeted, and hired... ex-inmates, and cash strapped high school drop-outs, all to put them in a position where they'd be afraid of losing that roughly $15 an hour job they'd won, and knuckle under, when it came time to vote for (or against) a union.

How depraved. . . is that?



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