Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Federal Trial Court Judge To Tangerine: "What on Earth Are You Actually... Trying To Say?" This "Suit" Makes No Sense.

Well. . . it isn't like this blog and many Twitter-lawyers did not already say so.

Now the able jurists of the Southern District of Florida. . . want Baby-T come up with some actual legal theory -- not a manifesto; and explain why this is not before the able federal Magistrate Judge, on the warrant. And the court wants it all by. . . this Friday. Pretty humiliating, for the blonde / blue-eyed (as always, with Tangerine, right? Think Jenna Ellis) 2014 law school graduate who has mostly practiced administrative / insurance law, and has never before handled a felony case, in her life. Yikes:

. . .The Court is in receipt of Plaintiff's Motion for Judicial Oversight and Additional Relief.

To facilitate appropriate resolution, on or before August 26, 2022, Plaintiff shall file a supplement to the Motion further elaborating on the following:

(i) the asserted basis for the exercise of this Court's jurisdiction, whether legal, equitable/anomalous, or both;

(ii) the framework applicable to the exercise of such jurisdiction;

(iii) the precise relief sought, including any request for injunctive relief pending resolution of the Motion;

(iv) the effect, if any, of the proceeding before Magistrate Judge Bruce E. Reinhart; and

(v) the status of Plaintiff's efforts to perfect service on Defendant.

Signed by Judge Aileen M. Cannon on 8/23/2022. . . .

Maybe she should seek a close-consult with that Four Seasons Total Landscaping lawyer guy (and former federal prosecutor, and city mayor). Oh. Wait. His license was pulled -- for misconduct -- in NYC.


1 comment:

condor said...

Watching you hop all over the site — 12:08 am! Grin!