Monday, August 8, 2022

Curiosity Reaches A Decade Of Driving, Scoring / Sampling And Climbing -- On Mars.

It is hard to imagine that it's been a decade since I walked back off that Carribean cruise ship -- to read news of Curiosity starting its mission of discovery on Mars. And harder to imagine all that followed.

The rover will have support from NASA Earth-side for another three year extension -- and we will be watching, closely -- even if all that was post that cruise. . . has fallen silent. The lil' rover has not -- onward it motors, on partially shredded wheels to be sure -- but. . . ever, onward:

. . .Curiosity has driven nearly 18 miles (29 kilometers) and ascended 2,050 feet (625 meters) as it explores Gale Crater and the foothills of Mount Sharp within it. The rover has analyzed 41 rock and soil samples, relying on a suite of science instruments to learn what they reveal about Earth’s rocky sibling. And it’s pushed a team of engineers to devise ways to minimize wear and tear and keep the rover rolling: In fact, Curiosity’s mission was recently extended for another three years, allowing it to continue among NASA’s fleet of important astrobiological missions. . . .

So. . . it is indeed well, with my soul. . . at peace, am I -- with all of it. . . the many bright lilting highs and the few deep, dark lows. Even the losses along the way, remind us of the beauty of it all -- at least five deaths; and yet six new arrivals, overall. So, "Life, life, life. . . isn't it. . . grand?" It is. . . it is.


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