Friday, August 5, 2022

As Alex Jones Is Hit For ~$50 Million, Chuckleheads Propose A New Prisoner Swap, With Putin... Yeeesh.

Welp. This is. . . just priceless.

One of the "geniuses" there (insulting Bebe Rebozo by using her name) suggests that Putin ought to offer to trade Brittney Griner And Whelan for. . . (wait for it!) all the insurrectionists under indictment for the 01.06.21 terror attack on our nation.

Hmmm. . . me?

Let's do this thing! Every single one of them must spend the REST OF THEIR lives. . . inside Russia, as Russian citizens -- their US citizenship is permanently revoked.

Yep -- they become Russian citizens, and may travel anywhere Putin allows -- but they are forever denied any right to enter the US or any of its possessions / territories.


I love it. [How utterly clue-free. . . are these chumps?!]

Out, on a perfect summer's night, to go get some Cold Stone Vanilla & Cherries ice creamery treats!


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