Monday, July 4, 2022

When A Nation Studiously Follows Public Health/Pandemic Abatement Science Leaders' Advice, Ebola's Mortality "In The Wild"... Plummets.

The fourteenth widely-recognized Ebola outbreak (since 1985) resulted in only five cases and four deaths. It was declared over, as of yesterday morning. [Backgrounder, here.]

That compares to over 15,000 in 2014; and over 3,000 as recently as early 2019. Vaccines work; ring strategies. . . work. In sum, early and aggressive intervention. . . works. The lessons are clear, here:

. . .There were four confirmed cases and one probable case -- all of whom died, the WHO said on Monday.

The previous outbreak in the forested province, from June to November 2020, claimed 55 lives.

WHO's regional director for Africa Matshidiso Moeti said in the statement that the authorities reacted rapidly, limiting the spread of Ebola with a vaccination campaign four days after the start of the outbreak.

"Crucial lessons have been learned from past outbreaks and they have been applied to devise and deploy an ever more effective Ebola response". . . .

We wish all of good will only the best -- in independence from maladies of whatever sort, this fine and hopefully peace-filled barbeque day. Jerk steak on the grill -- with lots of Teriaki-, and regular barbeque- chicken too, as a backup protein. . . grinning -- ever grinning.


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