Sunday, May 22, 2022

Some Community Resistance To Testing; Now Five Cases; Four Deaths In DRC

We cannot be certain, since the two were from the same extended family / local group, and the younger daughter died before being tested. So it is either three or four.

But it is logical to infer that both these children died of Ebola, since the older child was diagnosed, and then the family refused treatment, taking him back home. Here is the latest:

. . .Sources add that another 9-year-old child died with the same symptoms, in the same neighborhood, on May 6 and buried, without post-mortem collection or a dignified and secure burial. This raises fears of a multiplication of cases.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is experiencing its fourteenth Ebola outbreaks since 1976. The current outbreak is the sixth since 2018 alone – the most frequent occurrence in the country’s Ebola history. Previous outbreaks in Equateur Province were in 2020 and 2018, with 130 and 54 recorded cases respectively. . . .

This certainly highlights the daunting task of educating the public about the risks of ignoring symptoms. Very disconcerting.


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