Sunday, July 3, 2022

More "Tough Sledding", For Direct Line Amazon Management, At The Warehouses And Distribution Centers... How To "Police" It All?

Technically, this "change in access" policy is lawful on its face -- if it is not a pre-text -- to thwart unionization and advocacy rights, under § 8(a) (29 USC § 158(a)) of the NLRA (or, for management to effectuate a discriminatory policy achieving the same). Apparently, Amazon has changed its "access to buildings" policies.

From now on, according to MSM reports, no Amazon front-line team member may enter a company building in the US -- on any day they are not scheduled to work a shift. The claim is that it is a workplace safety measure. But it plainly impacts union advocates, who -- until now -- occasionally dropped by the break-rooms, on their days off. . . to chat up workers about the benefits of union membership.

I would expect a new NLRB charging letter -- alleging this is pre-textual. . . shortly.

Onward, out into the pleasantly-temperate sunshine -- time for a new sidewalk chalk / "Legends of the Hidden Temple" obstacle course, for the baby-girls now!


1 comment:

  1. Clearly Amazon's Corporate/Security is monitoring each of my posts, now.

    [With a friendly wave, to Jeff Bezos. . . .]

    The associated IP array / backbone imaged this post within nine minutes of my posting it.

    Grin. Onward.
