Saturday, July 30, 2022

Trump's Ex-Chief Campaign Financier/Fundraiser... Is Now Whining -- Because He Has To Wear An Ankle Monitor... After Personally Benefiting By $374 Million, From His Alleged Felonies...

So, like all Americans (I suspect) I believe criminal guilt or innocence is finally decided in the court rooms. I respect that he has not been found guilty (yet). But I have closely reviewed the available evidence -- mountains of documents, texts, emails and call logs. . . and it seems an almost certainty he did, in fact, in secret work for his OWN benefit, against US interests -- in consortium with agents of the UAE. And he received funding of well over $370 million from UAE entities for it (as we've previously reported). [That last bit is undisputed.]

So it is a little. . . precious, that a guy out on a $250 million bail/bond. . . is butt sore, that he has an ankle monitor, instead of being locked up for the last year, awaiting trial. Overnight in court filings, as his September trial looms, he moves to ditch the ankle jewelry, thus:

. . .[B]ecause of the suspicion that the device engenders, Mr. Barrack has repeatedly been detained by security during approved travel due to their confusion over his release conditions and the GPS monitoring device. This has even led to him being placed in a holding cell, even after showing Customs and Border Patrol agents the Court’s order permitting his travel. The GPS device also risks significant prejudice to him during trial -- Mr. Barrack may enter and exit the courthouse in the presence of jurors, and his GPS device may need to be examined by courthouse security or otherwise be noticed by members of the jury. . . .

He can wear a suit with looser fitting (at the ankle) pants to cover it. End of story. He's only spent three nights, in total in a county lock-up -- since his arrest last year. He's lived like a king, in Aspen, at right -- and in LA and in NYC. . . each at very tony digs.

I think. . . he should get used to the monitor, and given the billions of dollars still at his disposal (and he may move up to one million dollars at a time without telling anyone, under his current conditions of release -- plenty to buy safe passage out), once convicted. . . he will be a very high flight risk. He can buy surgery, and a stealthy boat ride, in a snap. . . and disappear. So I say the ankle monitor stays. . . on.

Onward, smiling -- to a nephew's birthday and shrimp grill, this afternoon.


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