Saturday, July 23, 2022

The Frothy Hard-Right Now Wants To Make J6 Defendants Who Commit Suicide... Out To Be Martyrs?

Something called The Gateway Pundit is (but of course!) blaming the Committee for the fact that a guy who pled guilty in the J6 insurrection, and was to be sentenced. . . committed suicide.

I won't name him, but they do.

Look, he only pled guilty to a "parading" charge, and was fined $5,000 -- facing only a maximum of six months in jail. And while any suicide is a tragedy, it strikes me that perhaps he is dead NOT because of the Committee's work, but because his crimes were clearly something he became. . . ashamed about. As well he should be. . . ashamed.

The world now sees Tangerine for what he is -- and people who now realize they were duped by him. . . now deeply regret their fecklessness. It really is that simple.

That seems a better read of this situation. . . than to effectively blame the detectives (as so many MAGA-nuts do), for rooting out clearly felonious -- if not technically treasonous crimes -- against our nation. In a real sense, his death is on Trump's hands.


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