Thursday, July 14, 2022

In The "Click-Bait" Headlines Dept. -- Unfair In The Extreme, To Use Shkreli's Name -- Re Lenzilumab's Flame-Out...

We have covered, on and off -- the excellent turnaround, of what was once KaloBios, to become Humanigen, post bankruptcy. It is now run by a highly ethical leader, with deep experience in bringing needed but untried medicines to market.

Almost exactly two years ago, we last wrote about its "shelter from the cytokine storm" candidate called lenzilumab, or "lenz" for short.

Several MSM business outlets are running a deceptively-headlined story this morning, after that completely new company, working on a drug candidate Shkreli had nothing to do with (nor had likely ever even heard of!). . . posted disappointing results in a clinical trial.

Martin was cashed out of the old KaloBios almost seven years ago -- he's had nothing to do with decision making since that time.

In sum, Martin deserves no shame -- nor any credit -- for what Humanigen has achieved since the bankruptcy.

Dr. Durrant is a fine leader. The success, and the disappointments -- all have directly to do with the science; not a long-ago disgraced former leader (and felon).

Full stop. Now you know. Dr. Durrant has made much lemonade, out of what were leftover sour lemons.

[End, rant portion.]


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