Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Steady, And Rhythmic Drumbeats, Now: ANOTHER New Charging Letter, In Bellmawr, New Jersey -- This Time, Against Amazon Logistics

Apparently Amazon Logistics is trying to either close this facility, or re-assign the work done there to a sub-contractor -- or another location.

And the Amazonians United branch there is having. . . none of it.

That implicates NLRA § 8(a)(3) rights.

So -- another file is opened; this one to be assigned to the Philly regional NLRB offices. We will image the documents, and post links here -- when the FOIA process makes the same. . . available to the public.

Onward, just wondering how it can be that Bezos, et al., cannot see this is a game they cannot win.

The dam is broken.

In the end, just over one million humans are likely to be represented by a collective bargaining arrangement.

Time to face a hard reality: Amazon's time as a free market, "at will" employer. . . is at an end, here. May the goddesses save them, if she deems it fitting that she do so. . . .

Onward, smiling -- cool breezes, and yet sunny biking by the lake up next.


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