Tuesday, July 5, 2022

At 5 PM EDT Today, Martin Shkreli's Lifetime Ban Becomes UN-Appealable, And Final.

[Cross-posted, from another of our properties.]

As we've repeatedly mentioned, despite what Martin says about still "being rich" (and despite his sworn in court statements about being broke -- thus, no appellate counsel), he is running his chats each night, on a single, nearly decade-old Windows laptop -- one that features intermittent "blue screen of death" outages, now and. . . because he is in fact broke, he's failed to pay the fees and/or make the various ministerial filings he needed to, to preserve his appeal rights in the Second Circuit.

At close of business today, an order entered last month becomes iron-clad final and non-appealable, in that same Second Circuit.

That order dismisses Martin's lifetime banning appeal, in total.

No SCOTUS review whatsoever, no cert. -- he's. . . done.

And, it would not be surprising to see an FTC enforcement action docketed shortly, that asks a federal judge in Manhattan -- for a contempt order, based on his various violations of the associated injunction.

Of course, in a federal court, a contempt order may include. . . more jail time.

That's what we know so far.

But his end game. . . is ending, now.

O N W A R D.


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