Friday, June 10, 2022

The ALJ Has Ruled (Unsurprisingly) That Public NLRB Trials... Are To Be Held... In Public. Sit Down, Amazon.

Not any surprise -- but Amazon's claims that media would bias the proceeding, or that witnesses would sneak on to monitor the Zoom teleconferences, in advance. . . and supposedly "shape" their testimony. . . results in a "nope" from the ALJ.

Here is the latest from a Long Island local biz paper, live in the hearings -- the order was entered last night, apparently:

. . .Cornele Overstreet, a regional director with the NLRB field office who will oversee the hearing, denied the company’s request. He wrote in a filing that the company hasn’t “put forward any compelling reason” to depart from long-standing policy of holding public hearings.

“The Board’s hearings are not secret. Accordingly, preventing the public from viewing its important processes is not an option,” Overstreet wrote.

Amazon has pointed to “unprecedented national media coverage” as one of the reasons access to the hearing should be limited, arguing it makes it difficult to sequester witnesses.

But the fact that the union election “has garnered national and international attention from outside parties only further solidifies the importance of allowing public observation,” Overstreet wrote. . . .

Now you know -- and travel safely one and all; avoid the southern storms. . . I'm out, into a sunny afternoon, here; pax tecum.


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