Friday, May 20, 2022

[Friday Trivia | Musk Tangent:] As A Friend On Twitter So-Cleverly Put It... Now We Learn "Elon Bought ALL The Horses..."

[From another property of ours -- we look for untoward humor, here:]

This Friday Trivia edition is dedicated to our great good friend, aldt440 (who feels our coverage is... Karen-ing). Heh -- here you go buddie!

This is. . . flawless.

To be certain, sexual assault is no joking matter, but. . .

Satire aimed at his. . . misogyny may be the best approach to dealing with the loathsome cad.

No longer the richest man on the planet.

That's got to be what hurts him the most -- he's short a few. . . ponies.

UPDATED, on Friday morning: Musk apparently denies the allegations -- however, he long ago tweeted that when a scandal about him worthy enough. . . appeared. . . he wanted it to be captioned "Elon-gate" -- or elongate, if you prefer. Churlish, that.

However, given the above, it seems destiny is not without a sense of. . . irony, then.

Hey -- maybe he should take some "singles-looking-for-love" advice, from this guy: two days out of federal prison, and into a halfway house in NYC. . . and he's already on Bumble. . . swiping. . . right (or left). [Or whatever one does, there. Heh.]

Damn. But so, so. . . on brand.



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