Monday, April 11, 2022

Philadelphia Will Reinstate Indoor Mask Mandates, Starting Next Monday -- BA.2 Spike Cited...

It was always sort of inevitable -- even though it seems deaths aren't spiking (yet), with BA.2 the variant, at least not like they did with Omicron and Delta -- some wise city's leaders would put momentary, minor discomfort in second place, behind widely documented, and now clearly-increased. . . safety -- particularly for the immune compromised, and elderly. . . in their city [in this case, the City of Brotherly Love -- apt, at that].

The local Philly papers have it all well covered:

. . .By resuming the indoor mask mandate, city officials hope to stave off another surge in hospitalizations and deaths that could accompany the current case increase that appears to be caused by the BA.2 omicron subvariant.

“If we fail to act now, knowing that every previous wave of infections has been followed by a wave of hospitalizations and a wave of deaths, it’ll be too late for many of our residents,” Health Commissioner Cheryl Bettigole said during a briefing Monday.

Bettigole noted that 750 Philadelphians died in three months over the winter during the omicron wave. . . .

And now. . . you know. Better safe than. . . sorry (or. . . dead). Onward, to a better tomorrow.


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