Thursday, April 7, 2022

[U: 53-47!] Even As Speaker Pelosi Tests Positive For Covid, Today Is A Historic Day: "KBJ"!

UPDATED -- "Still, like air. . . she'll rise. . ." The vote was 53-47. Meet the next Justice, America! End updated portion.

To be clear, the Speaker has no symptoms at present -- even so, we wish her all the best, and continued robust good health.

But this moment I take, is to celebrate. . . KBJ Day 2022. She will be confirmed later today. She will be another first for people of color.

[Of nearly equal importance, she will prove that those shameless, hateful Senators who lied about her, her record, and her qualifications. . . are wholly-unfit to serve in the Senate, any longer. It is time to end the careers of the lying QAnon charlatans Blackburn, Cruz and Hawley. . . among others.]

Here are some of the positives, though -- from the overall narrative arc of the story, this morning:

. . .All 50 Senate Democrats, including the two independents who caucus with them, are expected to vote for Jackson's confirmation. They will be joined by at least three Republicans: Sens. Mitt Romney of Utah, Susan Collins of Maine, and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska.

On Monday, the Senate Judiciary Committee reached an 11-11 tie along party lines on the question of whether to advance Jackson's nomination to a vote before the full Senate. Democrats, expecting the deadlock, immediately moved ahead with a procedural step to discharge the nomination to a vote before the full Senate.

During her hearing before the Senate Judiciary committee, Republicans attacked Jackson as a partisan and leaned heavily on culture war fights rather than inquiries concerning the nominee's qualifications. . . .

History will sternly rebuke the vast majority of today's GOP. . . rightly, as it has, the supporters of then Alabama Governor George Wallace. . . in 1963.

Let them be eviscerated in prose, for all eternity, indeed. They now so-richly deserve it.

Onward, to a grand celebration evening, tonight!


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