Saturday, March 12, 2022

[Updated: Fixed] Strange -- Unscheduled Outage -- At A Federal Courthouse...

Updated: By 5 p.m. -- The ECF server is back online in Nashville. End update.

To be fair, the federal district courthouse's electronic docket and filing system (in Nashville only) was supposed to be down for regularly scheduled maintenance, this morning -- from about 5 a.m. until no later than noon. And the federal bankruptcy court there is already back online, as is the appellate level docket (technically the Sixth Circuit).

But here well-after 2 p.m. local, the trial court (alone) is still returning an undefined "system error". This is very odd -- the federal courts are almost never down; and backup servers exist for all of it, in DC. . . so all that need be done, is a switch to the mirror in DC. But that hasn't occurred as of 2 p.m. As I say -- odd.

True enough, there was a freakish cold snap and snow storm last night. . . and so the mainenance may have gotten started late.

But it seems odd that all the other servers in the building are back online, but the trial court is not. No other part of the federal filing system is down -- even in soggy Miami or New Orleans. Nor is NYC -- now experiencing the brunt of the same storm. . . so I suspect the power has been cut to at least a few floors at the Nashville federal courthouse.

Hmmm. . . now you know -- what I know. . . .

Me? I'd blame the Fluffy Pony. Heh -- smiling -- but all melted here, and baking a lemon bread, now. . . .


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