Thursday, February 17, 2022

We Should All Do More, To Teach About -- And Celebrate -- The Miracle Workers Of The Mid-20th Century Vaccines Effort, Globally...

And. . . this morning, Google has done its part on that score. This is Dr. Michiaki Takahashi, who likely saved several million childrens' lives, over the last 70 or so years. . . by making chickenpox an anomaly, rather than a yearly scourge. I wish today's anti-vax crowd understood more. . . actual bio-science.

But I guess that is a life-long goal for all of us: to help the next generation appreciate how human bio-science works -- and life progresses. In any event, here's the press on it all:

. . .Search engine giant Google honoured virologist Dr. Michiaki Takahashi, who developed the first vaccine against chickenpox, on his 95th birth anniversary on Thursday with a special doodle.

Illustrated by Tokyo-based guest artist Tatsuro Kiuchi, the colourful doodle shows how the Japanese researcher's vaccine helped save children's lives and reduced the number of chickenpox cases around the world. . . .

The Kiuchi doodle is at the upper right corner of my graphic, and I am grinning widely this morning -- wondering if I'll need my snow shovel again, later this afternoon. . . all good, though (if I can prevent the deck furniture from blowing way down the lane, out beyond and past the church). Heh. [And I do see you... thrice -- is everything... okay?]


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