Thursday, February 3, 2022

UPDATE: I Think The Letter Is NOT A Troll -- Too Genuinely Moronic To Be... A Troll.

Well. . . I took a minute to image the salient portions of the actual paper letter Martin received at FCI Allenwood (Low) at right. First, do not even think of approaching this address, now in the public PACER court files, as it is about 95% likely to be a spoofed return address. I won't disclose it here -- but it is in the public docket, in full.

The FBI will catch up with whomever wrote it, for a chin-wag. Or, the BoP will ask Martin about it. Lying here will get him more jail time. He is supposed to avoid these sorts of influences, if he is going to make early release, by November 2022 -- so this may put him back to October 2023. A full year more.

We shall see. Whoever "Franklin" is, he should expect the FBI will eventually come to talk with him. That money (if that is what it is) now belongs to the US government.

Whatever he might have "lightened" it by (if more than $1,000) would be a felony, on his part.

The sheer brain-less-ness of the whole thing just screams out a genuine Martin-acolyte.

But we shall see. I suspect the BoP never delivered it to Martin. They will question him about it, though -- so this is (likely) news to Ms. Smythe as well -- who generally gets his mail -- aftert he sees it, by post, from FCI Allenwood from him (for a book project).

But... not this piece -- to a near certainty.

Onward, grinning. . . out, into the cool sunshine here, with a foot of new powder.


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