Thursday, February 10, 2022

The Times May Publish Materials It Received Independent Of Litigation With O'Keefe's "Veritas"... Just As We Predicted.

Completely unsurprising -- but good to see. Local Westchester GOP Judge Wood has been handed a rebuke -- about how the law of "prior restraint" works in the US, from his betters, at New York State appellate second division, today.

Here's the NYT's summary -- I'll post full decision, when it appears on the free-web:

. . .In a decision made public on Thursday, the appeals court said the order would not be enforced until a formal appeal could be heard. The decision means that, for now, The Times can publish certain documents and will not have to turn over or destroy any copies of the documents in its possession.

“We’re pleased with today’s decision to stop the enforcement of prior restraint while the case is being appealed, and we look forward to explaining our position in the appeal,” a Times spokeswoman, Danielle Rhoades Ha, said in a statement. “The use of prior restraint to prohibit news gathering and block the publication of newsworthy journalism is unconstitutional. No libel plaintiffs should be permitted to use their litigation as a tool to silence press coverage about them. . . .”

Precisely. Now you know -- as we long said -- grinning. . . a free press is to be. . . cherished.


1 comment:

condor said...

Yep… 11, from 11:12 am on… grinning at you — hey!