Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Mazars Disaffirms A DECADE Of Tangerine's Prior Financial Statements / Audit Results. Whoa.

Look, this almost always only happens (dumping a decade of audit results) when it is clear an audit firm has been LIED to. And/or of course, when crimes are implicated -- by those previously-audited financial statements (or the lies supporting them).

A whole decade of withdrawn results. This is. . . clear evidence that Trump will be indicted, eventually for overstating his assets, for the purpose of getting loans -- and understating the income he was making, for the purpose of paying his lawful tax obligations.

But my graphic this morning captures Tangerine's cry -- overnight, on gab.com -- that a six year old supposed email thing by HRC. . . should eclipse his manifold and still unfolding felonies.

Felonies likely including stealing classified government files, to use as black-/gray-mail (IMO) fodder, against world actors... ones with cash.

That, plus the sedition and the attempts to tamper with J-6 fact-witnesses... and the guy is... toast.

Out now, grinning.



Unknown said...

Would banks that lent to tRUmp based on the now withdrawn financial statements sue him now to demand full immediate repayment?
Will that trigger yet another tRUmp bankruptcy?

condor said...

That is certainly a possibility.

I remain hopeful that the Mazars' audit partner will provide sworn testimony about the frauds uncovered, in return for a plea deal. We know he's been caught not reporting income earned from Baby-T paying his grandkids' private school tuition, and from a free use of tRUmp limos and jets.

That (a flipping plea deal, and testimony) leads to. . . jail -- for Tangerine. We shall see.

I have edited this to add that it MAY also lead to Russian-oligarchy connected banks taking over Tangerine's loans if Deutsche Bank (and others) declare him in default.

Then, if he were to run in 2024 -- by law, we would be allowed to know the terms of those Russian loans, and whether (again!) he owes more to Putin than just his constitutional duties.

But jail is where (I hope) this ends for him.

Namaste -- great comments!

Unknown said...

Thank you.
Is it realistic for Deutsche Bank (and others) to sell tRUmp’s defaulted loans to shady Russian-oligarch banks? Wouldn’t that in itself attract unwanted regulator attention and thus possibly legal and PR issues for the banks, not to say a drop in stock price causing sr. Management heads to roll?

condor said...

More, of my thoughts -- on what might happen next, to Tangerine:


Namaste. . . .

condor said...

Sorry -- the comment moderation cue is acting a fool. . . this is in response to yours of earlier this morning, which I hadn't seen when I posted that link to the other property.

Right now, he's a private citizen, and he can do what he wants, so long as it is not a North Korean bank.

At the moment there are several Russian-connected banks (effectively in the thrall of Putin), but not officially sanctioned by boycotts at the UN or State Department.

I am all but certain that, in the 2016 cycle, Tangerine DID NOT disclose all his Russian-connected loans (perhaps over $600 million, in the aggregate), on his wholly-international properties (arguing -- incorrectly -- that those are not subject to US law -- but they clearly would be, under election disclosure rules).

We all need to scream to our Congress critters about any holes in his financial disclosures -- should he try to run in 2024.

But I am hopeful that personal indictments will take that option off of his table.

We shall see. . . Namaste!