Monday, February 7, 2022

[Final Monday Tangent:] "Now THAT'S What I'm Talkin' 'Bout!" Amanda Seyfried: Nails The Holmes Voice!

If someone (anyone! -- judging by the scant traffic / click-throughs on all matters Shkreli, here) actually found Martin Shkreli's manifold travails interesting enough, they could make a mini-series / movie like this, about him, as opposed to the largely hackneyed "video-tabloid-mag" pieces now out, on his story so far. . . .

But from the looks of this trailer below (show due out / streaming March 3, 2022, from Hulu), the cast has truly nailed the Holmes scandal -- dead to rights.

If I had to, this is one I'd pay to see in theaters long form, but I will also certainly catch it on Hulu, as a mini-series (and to tell the truth, I cannot wait to see Jennifer Lawrence's movie version -- for the people at Apple!):

Onward, ever smiling. Smiling into the chilly gloaming, now. . . .


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