Thursday, February 10, 2022

A Very Fair Question, Asked By The British Press: Where Are All The Men In Dinigeer's Extended Uyghur Muslim Family (As Shown On Chinese State TV)?

Some times, a photo tells its own story. This is one of those times.

A reporter for the Daily Mail (UK) tweeted the bit at right earlier this week. We took the issue off our masthead, solely to be able to commemorate the reigning rightwise Queen of England, at her seventieth (without a separate post). Those earlier twin mastheads appear below the pull-quote, now.

. . .At first, it appears a sweet moment. Uyghur Muslim skier Dinigeer Yilamujiang's family crying as they watch her carry the Olympic torch at the Winter Games opening ceremony.

But footage aired on Chinese state media in the country's eastern Xinjiang province raised a pressing question, with viewers wondering: 'Where are all the men?'

In a room of more than two dozen women of varying ages TV cameras showed just four or five men, most of whom appear middle aged - aside from what appears to be a teenage boy sat on the floor and, possibly, a young boy on his mother's lap. . . .

Now you know.


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