Monday, January 24, 2022

Who Lives In Kingsport, Tennessee? WHO?! Vote This Joker Out.

Or, said another way. . . solid science suggests that. . . if something is seen by 20 per cent of a given population by an objective surveyor -- it does certainly. . . exist.

So there is no sense in which this journalism was a false report. This report restates the Navy's own analysis -- recognizing that racism, at least aboard aircraft carriers, remains a real problem. But these GOP Tennesseans -- at the state level, think the right answer is to attempt a prior restraint of the free press that reports on it. Not to address the actual root cause: racism, among the ranks.

What a pack of. . . goose-stepping, brown-shirted losers. Here it is in full:

. . .Dorothy Tucker, president of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ), expressed the organization’s support of Stafford and AP News. Rebecca Aguilar, president of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), said the organization also stood with Stafford and called the piece “outstanding.”

“We cannot allow politicians to stop journalists from exposing the truth,” Augilar wrote. “We owe it to the public.”

The resolution, filed Jan. 22, calls on both houses of Tennessee’s legislature to ‘reprimand’ The Associated Press for the article for. . . attempting to “identify a problem that does not exist
. . . .”

Who are these under-educated idiots (cough -- Kingsport!) in the Tennessee state house?

Geez -- people of Tennessee -- do better, at picking representatives that understand junior high level civics.

Out, grinning (in any event) -- to film a favorite new public park sculpture, now frosted with white powder, overnight -- some six inches worth.


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