Friday, January 14, 2022

Update: Sirhan Will Not Leave Prison, Afterall…

Overnight, in California, Gov. Gavin Newsom exercised some of his office's power, and denied Bobby Kennedy's assassin any release from prison (my prior backgrounder).

To be sure, it has now been 53-1/2 years. Is this a wise and just use of executive power? I am uncertain:

. . .California’s Governor Newsom has countermanded the decision to release Mr. Sirhan.

In an editorial, the Governor referred to the fact that the crime was broadcast on live television, during a dark season of political assassinations: five years earlier, his brother — a sitting President, and only months after Dr. King’s assassination.

I am not sure we would ever see a repeat of that — since security is so much tighter now.

So, I am not sure that is a very-persuasive factor for denying his release. It is true the majority of Bobby's remaining linear family (and his widow) oppose release and that should count for something. . . .

Onward, into a cold gray dawn. . . with a noticeable spike in German / Alibaba related IP traffic here -- at this site in the last 36 hours. Odd, that is.


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