Friday, January 28, 2022

Merck And Pfizer Have Data Showing The Wonder-Pills Of Each... Are Effective Against Omicron

Just before New Years, Pfizer shared essentially this same sort of data -- lab results (not clinical trials, in humans) indicating activity against the omicron variant -- as Merck is now sharing this morning.

So, as we've long predicted -- each will be a mega-blockbuster, and more importantly, each will likely save millions of lives, world-wide -- between the original virus, and its variants.

Here's the latest, from Reuters:

. . .[Merck] and partner Ridgeback Biotherapeutics said on Friday six lab studies showed their experimental oral COVID-19 drug molnupiravir was active against the fast-spreading Omicron variant.

The data evaluated the antiviral activity of molnupiravir and other COVID-19 antiviral agents against COVID-19 variants of concern. Molnupiravir is yet to be studied against Omicron in human studies, the companies said. . . .

Now you know -- smiling, with over seven inches of huge, wheeling, light, airy snowflakes down already -- in a surprisingly-deep last minute lake effect snowstorm (the blow-back rotation -- off Lake Michigan, toward the west, from the current Nor'easter). . . and it may reach a foot overall, by tonight.

But even two miles inland from here, there is only an inch of light dust. All done. Hilarious. . . [thus the legacy graphic this morning, for the masthead -- done shoveling (for now)].



Anonymous said...

on a different note, any thoughts on the potential Biden SCOTUS nominations that 'out there?'

condor said...

Great question!

I like all the names rumored to be in the running, but of the four or so top ones. . . I prefer California Supreme Court Justice Leondra Kruger. She's an astonishingly steady mind, and her writing is crystal clear. Plus, she might be on the high court for 40 years or more, to counteract the two young justices Trump was able to push through.

But I do like USDC Judge Jackson in DC, as well -- though she's presently pending for an appellate seat.

It is gratifying to see Breyer, as much as I like him. . . recognize that we as a nation cannot afford to have another seat (RBG- or Merrick Garland-style) stalemated.

Onward, and Namaste. . . stay warm out there.