Friday, January 14, 2022

It Seems Many Large Employers Are Keeping Their Own Prior COVID-19 Vaccine Requirements...

I think GE is the only one I've seen so far to decide it will repeal the requirement (earlier adopted) that all employees get vaccinated.

This makes a corollary point to one I made earlier, several times. At least a goodly portion of what the OSHA rule was designed to do was protect businesses with over 100 employees from some spurious suits from less than genuine religious objectors, and from people who claim it is in some manner a dog whistle for (ill-defined) purported invidious discrimination. Or sumthin'. I dunno.

It wasn't -- and isn't. And it may well turn out that most of the Fortune 500 KEEP vaccines as a mandate, for employment. As a solidly science-based means to keep all their workers and their families. . . safer.

In that regard as well, the Biden OSHA measure is a success. Nothing in any part of the Supremes' decision prevents employers from adopting policies voluntarily. And that may well render the Chief Justice mostly. . . irrelevant, on this score.

Karma, one might intone. But you read it here first: big companies have likely correctly realized that the risks of harm, from employees being unvaccinated (public health, mortality, lost time due to sickness and litigation about it) exceeds the risk of... a vax mandate inside the company.

Onward, smiling. . . to the Sixth Circuit. G'night -- busy news day -- and snowy weather day, ahead tomorrow here. . . and also in Music City, at Shkreli-site (as a white-out of sorts) -- seen are thee, once at 8:46 pm.


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