Friday, January 7, 2022

Finally -- Justice, In Georgia: All Three Of Mr. Arbery's Murderers Sentenced To... Life.

To be sure, none of it will bring young Mr. Arbery back. And the younger one will be allowed to seek parole in 20 years.

Each of the other two will die in prison. [My prior backgrounder here.] That it seems, is. . . justice -- as near as can be achieved in such a case. These three men lynched him. I will close this Friday with some of the prose/poem his sister read aloud about him, today in court:

. . .Mr Arbery’s sister Jasmine Arbery described how the things she loved about her brother were the same things that led the three men to murder him that day.

“Ahmaud had dark skin that glistened in the sunlight like gold. He had thick, coily hair and he would often like to twist it. Ahmaud had a broad nose. . . He was tall with an athletic build. He enjoyed running and had an appreciation for being outdoors,” she said.

“These are the qualities that made these men assume that Ahmaud was a dangerous criminal and chase him with guns drawn.

“To me, those qualities reflect a young man full of life and energy, who looked like me, and the people I love. . . .”

Be excellent to one another. I'm. . . out.


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