Monday, January 17, 2022

As An Offbeat King Day '22 Treat, Since I've Been Put In Mind Of "Wicked" Over The Long Weekend...

. . .I offer this incredible cover / rendition, from the PBS recordings, during the center of the pandemic typhoon.

And she will reportedly play Elphaba, in the forthcoming live action movie version (with Ariana Grande to play Galinda).

But a caveat:

This is not to be read as any form of toxic trivialization -- of Dr. King's memorial.

I just know that so many have said so much, in so much more of a profound fashion, and over all these years -- decades, really -- I've posted my favorite YouTube on the actual topic, so I've switched it up a bit.

[The most traditional one is here.] So -- do enjoy this bit of fine performance art [one that would have likely been unthinkable, had King not lived]:

But the actual clips I offer of him, while incomplete -- both embody the man well. Onward, smiling. . . be excellent to one another -- and do be of service to one another -- it is what he would have wanted.


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