Friday, December 3, 2021

[U: Fugitives?!] When A Dad Leaves A 9 mm Sig-Sauer Semi-Automatic Pistol, UNLOCKED -- With Ammo -- "Inside The Orbit" Of An Awkward 15 Year Old Boy, With Emotional Problems...

This may be slightly controversial, but in my opinion, it is entirely appropriate to charge these parents with involuntary manslaughter. [In my estimation, it is only "controversial" because we have (collectively) so rarely enforced these laws, as written -- against parents. But today, that changes.]

Despite what will ultimately be impotent, and irrational howling from the far-right, and the gun lobby (but I repeat myself) -- this may be the only way to stem school shootings by students: start holding their parents accountable, at least in cases of gross negligence / willful indifference, and in cases where local gun safety laws were plainly ignored, by these same parents. Here's the latest:

. . .Prosecutors in Michigan took a rare step on Friday by filing involuntary manslaughter charges against the parents of the 15-year-old accused of fatally shooting four students in the halls of Oxford High School, according to court documents.

The office of Karen D. McDonald, the prosecutor in Oakland County, filed four charges of involuntary manslaughter against James and Jennifer Crumbley, one for each of the students killed.

Law enforcement authorities say that Mr. Crumbley legally bought the 9-millimeter Sig Sauer handgun four days before his son used it to carry out the country’s deadliest school shooting this year. Hours before the attack, he and his wife met with school officials who were concerned about their son’s behavior.

It is unclear how their son, Ethan, obtained the handgun and brought it to school. But law enforcement authorities say he walked out of a school bathroom on Tuesday afternoon armed with the semiautomatic pistol and three 15-round magazines. . . .

The state law in Michigan required that weapon to be locked separately from any ammo, and the keys to be kept away from any minor, unless directly being supervised by an adult. See, Mich. Comp. Laws Serv. § 750.235a*. It would seem clear that law was broken, as the father only purchased the gun a week earlier. And the son had it in school, when called to a counselling meeting with his parents at the school the morning of the killings. This senseless killing must end. We must end it.

And if ultimately jailing parents. . . who ignore the law (for up to fifteen years) is required to do that, then so be it. Onward.



* Michigan also penalizes any person who, because of carelessness, recklessness or negligence. . . causes or allows any firearm under his or her immediate control to be discharged and kill or injure another person. Mich. Comp. Laws Serv. § 752.861.


  1. And later this evening, there is a dispute about whether they are -- or are not -- felony fugitives from justice. Are they on the lam, or were they hiding for their own safety? Honestly. I. Don't. Care.

    You see -- how this works is. . . when you are charged with felonies, law enforcement is free to come arrest you immediately, wherever they find you. The claim by their counsel is that they agreed to come in and be arraigned -- if charged, and in return the DA would let them self-surrender. But the charges were announced. . . and poof!

    As several hours passed, the defense lawyers admitted the couple was not replying to texts to come in, and surrender.

    So the US Marshals and local police are conducting a fugitive hunt, as I type this, tonight. But their counsel says they will return to the area and come in voluntarily. It is likely too late for that, now. If they are found, on the road, they WILL be immediately arrested. There is a state wide alert out, for their small white sedan.

    No, this is not like popping over to the precinct, "for tea". . . they were overdue by this afternoon.

    And so, a "slow white Bronco chase" may yet ensue. That is, wherever they are spotted, the arm of the law may catch up with them over the weekend -- and in general, that will mean they will sit in the tank -- until at least Monday midday arraignment.

    It is also unlikely that the judge before whom they will ultimately appear to be arraigned will give them any credit, for any form of reasonably low bail -- since s/he will not be inclined to believe the "we WERE on our way over for some tea, but got distracted" story.

    Here's the latest -- but how clueless (as parents) do you have to be, to think it's okay to go silent with a 15 year old son ALREADY charged as an adult -- on four premeditated murder counts, and one terrorism count?

    These two are. . . now in very deep. And deeper, by the minute -- ever since they missed the Friday afternoon closing time, at the criminal court building in Oakland, Michigan -- due to their own bad choices.

    Namaste. . . so sad. And so. . . strange.

  2. Updated law enforcement information says the couple is in a 2021 black SUV:

    There is a state wide alert out, for their black 2021 Kia Seltos SUV with the Michigan license plate number DQG 5203.

    Not the white sedan, as earlier reported.

    Namaste. . . .

  3. At about 2 AM EST, the Crumbleys’ black SUV was spotted on Detroit’s East Side. Within 20 minutes, the Crumbleys themselves were taken into custody — without incident, by US Marshals and Detroit’s finest:

    Now. . . I can sleep.
